If your here because your struggling to juggle life, then don’t worry you are not alone. Life is not easy having busy schedules trying to fit everything in around your home life and it can be hard sometimes to try and get the right balance to live a stress free life.

That’s why i started doing a little something i like to call the 6 step challenge… Focusing on the most important aspects to a organized you.

The 6 steps :


Now you now the topics its time to explain what they mean and how you can manage each one in your life and into your schedule.

Time management

What is time management? How does it effect us in our daily routine? How can we use time to make our life easier and stress free?

Time management is exactly what it is and that’s how you manage your time….if you running late all the time or to busy to do the things you love. Then that’s were focusing on time management comes into it, Now first thing is to allow yourself time to prep, to organise and to make sure all tasks are complete before the end of your day. I suggest getting up a hour early before your children and family members and having the early morning peace, honestly the difference it makes to your day is amazing you get time to think over what u need to do today and plan your day accordingly. If your travelling check your route for any delays, It also gives you time to relax have a coffee and prep for the day with a clear mind. Same for bedtime go to bed in peace settle the children spend time with your spouse, run your self a nice bath and read your favourite book. If you sleep with a relaxed mind your wake up in a relaxed state.

Get a planner or a chart (printables available to download from our Etsy store). This will be your best friend and it takes us onto our next step.

Write It Down

A simply task yet also seems time consuming so we forget to do so if were busy. If this is the case a visual chart will be your best friend, hang it up somewhere were you pass by every morning ideally the kitchen then you can see and add to your daily routine of what you have going on this week. If visual charts are not your thing then grab yourself a planner ( were currently working on our daily challenge planner look out for updates). A planner is every organised woman/mans best friend, and there is a planner for everything. Also why not write down how your days been or how you would like your day to go, A Little bedtime/ early morning exercise i like to do is write down the positives that have happened that day and the negatives and then write what your going to do tomorrow to turn the negatives into positives. This is a great manifestation technique also and is highly recommend by lots of professionals and gurus out there.

Financial Management

Financial management is always a tough topic within the family household it can sometimes be difficult to talk to your partner and children about financial struggles, Now I say children as it can be a devastating debate when your in a shop and your child wants something, But you have to tell them you don’t have the money to buy it, then it may proceed to cause tantrums, shouting the shop down or maybe a grumpy face and your meanest parent in the world. So it can be pretty useful to teach children about money and the costs of things when you think their ready. And “guess what” we also have the tools to help you manage the money convo with your children, including charts and learning resources. Now financial stress can effect a lot of partnerships if you find your self in a position like this then its best to be open and honest with your partner sit down together figure out the income and expenses and what you could both cut back on and how you can work as a team to build back your financial freedom. We have charts and resources to help you achieve this and help you on your journey .

Family Time

If your a solid working family with 9-5 jobs children in school and extra working hours, then making time for your family is extremely important once you’ve picked the children up from child minders or after school club. You just want to go home and relax right ? But we know we cant do that , Now you don’t want to start to many exiting energy baring activities because the last thing we need is hyper children before bed. So to help keep with routine get your children involved in meal time and cooking prep this teaches and engages children and makes them feel involved while also spending time with you. You can also start preparing them for bed ask them what story would they like to read tonight and also get them to put a star or comment on there chart about how good they was helping you cook. Make bath and bedtime fun and calming as this is a great way to bond and talk about both your days .

When you have a busy schedule and children we sometimes forget we need time to enjoy with our partner. Communicating and talking about each others day is essential for any relationship and marriage this also gives you time to go over any worry’s or problems as you wont have little ears listening. Watch a movie snuggle up on the sofa and enjoy each others company. If you have household jobs that need taking care of ask you partner for help although this might not be on the top of their list but again its a way of bonding and helping each other out, if one of you are tired, then the simple ” don’t worry ill take care of it” just shows appreciation and working together

Self Care/ You Time

A Stress free life will not be possible if you don’t take care of yourself and your needs also…. We all need time, Time to reflect, Time to think, Time for ourselves. A self care journal is a great way to help your mindset and to stay in tune with the positive energy and your daily routine. Get your rest… As much as I’m going to say spend time with family, spending time with yourself is also important. Have a pamper night, do something you enjoy and simply enjoy your time, because when you feel good and you have peace of mind, your productivity and happiness shines. We have lots of upcoming resources to help you plan a self care routine, including a 30 day challenge.


And finally one step we can all struggle with which requires a clear mind and a strong heart is acceptance … Sometimes your routine, your dreams and your daily goals don’t go to plan sometimes your kids are ill and you need the day off or your at work and you need to pick them up from school. Sometimes you have a date night and your spouse cant get out of work on time or the babysitter lets you down. A lot of the time bills are more than what they say and debt seems to be creeping up on you. All I’m going to say is ACCEPT the challenges, don’t let it throw you off . we all know life doesn’t always go to plan so its about preparation, and having a clear mindset to achieve a calming environment.

There you have it 6 easy steps to apply to your daily life with these tips i guarantee you will notice a significate change in your home and environment, we also have digital products and printables to help you along your journey.

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